This website carries no advertising and is free to use. We’re funded by our readers, at least, that’s the idea!
Support us with a donation and we’ll add your name and/or school/course name HERE:
December 2019
Donations in December 2019 totalled 470 in a mix of currencies:
GBP 205
USD 185
AUD 55
EUR 25
As usual, costs for the month are estimated at €880 for the writers and €420 for the editing and recording, a total of €1300.
Many thanks to everyone who helped us out in December, and to those who bought ebooks and/or lessons from our online shop, revenues from which made up the difference of €830.
Michael Barley
Christine Robson
Johan Jansen van Rosendaal
Carol Re
Jan Halstead
Di Donato, R.
Derek Hook
Audrey June Farrel
Mike Jolly
Mariella Scarlett
Kathryn Beggs
Phil Page
Nigel A.
Andrea R.
Donna K.
Penny M.
John Allcock
Alice Breen
Renee Bosma
Meg Davis
November 2019
Donations in November 2019 totalled 785 in a mix of currencies:
GBP 445
USD 70
AUD 260
EUR 10
As usual, costs for the month are estimated at €880 for the writers and €420 for the editing and recording, a total of €1300.
Many thanks to everyone who helped us out in November, and to those who bought ebooks and/or lessons from our online shop, revenues from which made up the difference of €515.
Nigel A.
Michelle D.
Mercedes Birch
Jill N.
Irene Sarshar
Mike Jolly
Joanna Spratley
Thompson and Tricia Patterson
Anne Tomlins
Eileen Palmer
Dennis Maring
Jan Halstead
Velma Thomas
Geoff Darroch
Gillian Haxell
Mary Bettles
Mary Nixon
Derek Hook
George Kanakis
Eithne Murphy
Dora P.
Renee Bosma
Angela Charles
Diane Feast
Robyn Thompson
Carol Nichol
Maureen Linden
October 2019
Donations in October 2019 totalled 1030 in a mix of currencies:
GBP 385
USD 475
AUD 160
EUR 10
As usual, costs for the month are estimated at €880 for the writers and €420 for the editing and recording, a total of €1300.
Many thanks to everyone who helped us out in October, and to those who bought ebooks and/or lessons from our online shop, revenues from which made up the difference of €270.
Alan Agresti
Susan Glover
Don Bell
Sarah Gostling
Karin Beebe
Lorna McEwan
Sandro Cuccia
Judy Jacques
Maria Elena russo
Claire Vardon
Anita Cummings
Donna Goodspeed
Jane R.
Gill M.
Debbie Epstein
Angela Steadman
Jocelyn Taylor
Simon Allum
Nancy H.
Jeannie P.
Anne Devlin
John L.
Phil Page
Jill N.
Andy P.
Nigel A.
Patricia Berridge
Andrea R.
Renee Bosma
Lewis Savage
September 2019
Donations in September 2019 totalled 850 in a mix of currencies:
GBP 435
USD 270
AUD 115
EUR 30
Costs for the month are estimated at €880 for the writers and €420 for the editing and recording, total €1300.
Many thanks to everyone who helped us out in September, and to those who bought ebooks and/or lessons from our online shop, revenues from which made up the difference of €450.
Robin Leetch
Jocelyn Taylor
Jill Nichols
Helen Delbridge
Shauna Butterworth
Kathy Woodhall
Ken Alievo
Derek Hook
Eithne Murphy
Wilson Bolognesi
Chris Lemon
Buon compleanno!!
David Hood
Velma Thomas
Carol Re
Mike Baker
Nigel A.
Tim O’Neill
Valerie Power
Angela Charles
Michael Nolan
George Kanakis
Anita Dermer
Kathy Ward
Derek Hook
Audrey Webb
Anne Devlin
Renee Bosma
August 2019
Donations in August 2019 totalled 540 in a mix of currencies:
GBP 205
USD 300
EUR 30
Costs for the month are estimated at €880 for the writers and €420 for the editing and recording, total €1300.
Many thanks to everyone who helped us out in August, and to those who bought ebooks and/or lessons from our online shop, revenues from which made up the difference of €760.
Linda Mascuch
Raymond Dragonetti
Bruce Appel
Kaleigh Surber
Philippa Beasty
Graham Harrington
David Ellison
Leslie Ross
Raymond Moy
Maria E. Russo
Jocelyn Taylor
Patricia Infantine
D. Watson
Debbie Epstein
Ken Allievo
Michael Aitken
Derek Hook
Andy Postance
Ken Bryer
Killian O Donnell
Nigel A.
Laura M.
Pat Starkey
M. Smart
Renee Bosma
Lynne F.
July 2019
Donations in July 2019 totalled 490 in a mix of currencies:
GBP 255
USD 155
AUD 50
EUR 30
Costs for the month are estimated at €880 for the writers and €420 for the editing and recording, total €1300.
Many thanks to everyone who helped us out in July, and to those who bought ebooks and/or lessons from our online shop, revenues from which made up the difference of €810.
Mike Jolly
Gerry Hancock
Kathryn Temple
Phil Page
Jan Halstead
Jocelyn Taylor
Niki Linardou
Helen Delbridge
Nancy Hillyard
Allen Bowen
Angela Charles
Gloria Nicholl
David Ellison
Richard E. Hingel D.C.
Sandro Cuccia
James Lucas
Anne Devlin
Denise Craig
Carol Re
Ken Allievo
John A.
Lorraine Shuba
Derek Hook
Kathy Woodhall
Lewis Savage
Amanda Mincherton
Nigel A.
Paul Southworth
June 2019
Donations in June 2019 totalled 290 in a mix of currencies:
GBP 145
USD 45
AUD 75
EUR 25
Costs for the month are estimated at €880 for the writers and €420 for the editing and recording, total €1300.
Thanks to everyone who helped us out in June, and to everyone who bought ebooks and/or lessons from our online shop, revenues from which made up the difference of €1010.
Chris Budd
Janet Watanabe
Richard Harris
J. Rietdijk-Shepherd
Patrick Channer
Helen Delbridge
D. Watson
Derek Hook
Mary Ward
Dennis Maring
Renee Bosma
Ken Allievo
Lynda Toohey
Jocelyn Taylor
Fiona Basile
May 2019
Donations in May 2019 totalled 400 in a mix of currencies:
GBP 190
USD 170
AUD 35
Costs for the month are estimated at €880 for the writers and €420 for the editing and recording, total €1300.
Thanks to everyone who helped us out in May, and to everyone who bought ebooks and/or lessons from our online shop, revenues from which made up the difference of €900.
Pauline Howell
Laura M.
Angela Charles
Phil Page
Velma Thomas
Donna K.
Mary Stavash
Stella Moore
Stu Reininger
Helen M. Donnellan
Julian Singer
Helen Delbridge
Margaret Garvie
Reg Harris
Diane Feast
Jocelyn Taylor
Jan Garnett
Kathy Woodhall
John Meertens
Derek Hook
Janet Johnson
Percorso Italiano
Andrea R.
Jocelyn Taylor
David Ellison
Ken Allievo
Nigel A.
Diane Watson
Christine Bullock
Kathy Connelly
Gloria Nicholl
Mary Beth Sjellorn
Linda M.
Daniel R. Barnes
April 2019
Donations in April 2019 totalled 750 in a mix of currencies:
GBP 440
USD 130
AUD 105
EUR 75
Costs for the month are estimated at €880 for the writers and €420 for the editing and recording, total €1300.
Thanks to everyone who helped us out in April, and to everyone who bought ebooks and/or lessons from our online shop, revenues from which made up the difference of €550.
Steve T.
Francia Kilgarriff
Dianne Naber
Robert Bird
Marion Kilgannon
Sandro Cuccia
Renee Bosma
Lindsey Gardener
Helen Delbridge
Kenneth Bryer
Judy Jacques
Jim Gaylord
Mark Marone
John Foley
Annette Burkett
Philip R.
Andrea Alber Commissaris
M. Smart
Simon Allum
Kieran lo scozzese da Glasgow
Jan Garnett
Freda Massaro
Peter Mole
Tom Bushaw
Charles Vickers
Kath Murton
Claire M.
Lewis Savage
Gerry Hancock
Derek Hook
Gerry Smith
Ian T.
Fiona Geilinger
Nigel A.
Karen Drage
Helen Delbridge
Carol Re
Renee Bosma
Ken Allievo
Angela Charles
March 2019
Donations in March 2019 totalled 980 in a mix of currencies:
GBP 380
USD 245
AUD 270
EUR 85
Costs for the month are estimated at €880 for the writers and €420 for the editing and recording, total €1300.
Thanks to everyone who helped us out in March, and to everyone who bought ebooks and/or lessons from our online shop, revenues from which made up the difference of €320.
Phil Page
Aleksandra Nowacka
Nina Boyd
Bruce & Jan
Leslie Ross
Audrey Webb
Caterina Walters
Margaret Smart
Jan Hunt
Maria Russo
G. Lee
Sandro Cuccia
Seona Owtram
Jane R.
Simon Allum
Jocelyn Taylor
Danielle Fleming
Derek Hook
John Lea
Diane Watson
Alan Agresti
Andrea R.
Jan Garnett
Rosemarie Harvey
Klaus Knopp
Michelle Howes
Antonio Paulo Klapka
Scotty Gerardy
Janet Tice
Martha Wilson
Rachel and Allen
Martie Musso
Barbara Mickleburgh
Jean Butcher
Lynne Wells
Craig Spooner
Ken Allievo
Oliver Frankel
Sylvia S.
Nigel A.
Helen Delbridge
David Fletcher
Celia Sheldon
Sharol Hofstedt
Angela Steadman
Alice Breen
Audrey June Farrel
Colin Marsh
Derek Hook
Rob Spinks
February 2019
‘Mille grazie’ to everyone who helped us out in February! Donations came to 1260, in this mix of currencies:
GDP 530
USD 405
AUD 180
EUR 145
… which more or less met our costs – €880 for the writers and €420 for editing and recording – hurrah!
Jane R. (February 2019)
Patricia (February 2019)
Laura Berry (February 2019)
Margaret Sutton (February 2019)
Margaret Smart (February 2019)
Lynn (February 2019)
Linda Mascuch (February 2019)
Fiona B. (February 2019)
Velma Thomas (February 2019)
Bobby Hall (February 2019)
Donna K. (February 2019)
Pete Maxey (February 2019)
Annette Hames (February 2019)
Charles Vickers (February 2019)
Gill (February 2019)
Richard Harris (February 2019)
Alan Christopherson (February 2019)
Fiona Geilinger (February 2019)
Nigel (February 2019)
Ina Ogilvie (February 2019)
Renee Bosma (February 2019)
Jocelyn Taylor (February 2019)
Jane Allen (February 2019)
Valerie Kirkman-Meffe (February 2019)
Helen (February 2019)
Sieglind (February 2019)
J. Mitchell (February 2019)
Douglas Day (February 2019)
William Patterson (February 2019)
Jan Garnett (February 2019)
Steve Whitefield (February 2019)
Gloria Nicholl (February 2019)
Anne (February 2019)
Andy Postance (February 2019)
Robyn Thompson (February 2019)
Raymond Moy (February 2019)
Lewis Savage (February 2019)
Charles Vickers (February 2019)
Tracy Tennant (February 2019)
Marianne (February 2019)
J.H. (February 2019)
Anthony Perry (February 2019)
Angela Charles (February 2019)
Gillian Haxell (February 2019)
David Ellison (February 2019)
Jocelyn Taylor (February 2019)
John Phelan (February 2019)
M. Workman (February 2019)
Jo (February 2019)
Nigel A. (February 2019)
Debbie Epstein (February 2019)
Ken Bryer (February 2019)
Margaret Smart (February 2019)
Frances Kenny (February 2019)
Janet Johnson (February 2019)
Natalie Root (February 2019)
D. Watson (February 2019)
Derek Hook (February 2019)
Maria-Teresa (February 2019)
Jan Halstead (February 2019)
Andrew Harlock (February 2019)
Patricia Lupo (February 2019)
Darlene Campo (February 2019)
Meg Davis (February 2019)
Jill (February 2019)
Patricia (February 2019)
Lynda Toohey (February 2019)
Bruce Appeli (February 2019)
January 2019
Donations in January 2019 totalled 780 in a mix of currencies:
GBP 440
USD 180
AUD 110
EUR 50
Costs for the month are estimated at €880 for the writers and €420 for the editing and recording, total €1300.
Thanks to everyone who helped us out in January, and to everyone who bought ebooks and/or lessons from our online shop, revenues from which made up the difference of €520.
Anne (January 2019)
Jill Hurford (January 2019)
Lois Parsons (January 2019)
Phil Page (January 2019)
Alan Jones (January 2019)
Mary Bettles (January 2019)
Valerie Lester (January 2019)
Joanna Macdonald (January 2019)
Bernard Reid (January 2019)
John Hateley (January 2019)
M. Brucciani (January 2019)
Jan Mackay (January 2019)
Iris Rosso (January 2019)
Renee Bosma (January 2019)
Fiona Lascelles (January 2019)
Jan Garnett (January 2019)
Wilma (January 2019)
Helen (January 2019)
Mary Nixon (January 2019)
Daniel R Barnes (January 2019)
John Lea (January 2019)
Anthony Perry (January 2019)
Penny and The Beaconfield Italian Group (January 2019)
Lucy Kwarts (January 2019)
Jeanette Cameron (January 2019)
Andrea Alber Commissaris (January 2019)
Marie Dobson (January 2019)
Oliver Frankel (January 2019)
Ruth (January 2019)
Reva Rubenstein (January 2019)
Ed Gregory (January 2019)
Helen Richards (January 2019)
Debbie Epstein (January 2019)
Dianne Price (January 2019)
Julie Holmes (January 2019)
Anita Cummings (January 2019)
Jocelyn Taylor (January 2019)
Jill (January 2019)
Karen Drage (January 2019)
Carol Re (January 2019)
Jan (January 2019)
Steve Archer (January 2019)
Terry Gahagan (January 2019)
Nancy Lee (January 2019)
Nigel A (January 2019)
Gill T. (January 2019)
Jan Garnett (January 2019)
Kath Murton (January 2019)
Pauline C (January 2019)
June Humphrey (January 2019)
Francis Mohan (January 2019)
Jean Smith (January 2019)
The Modern Language School (January 2019)
Linda Cooper (January 2019)
Margaret Hanson (January 2019)
Lynne (January 2019)
Leslie Ross (January 2019)
D Watson (January 2019)
J. Rietdijk-Shepherd (January 2019)
Pernille Day (January 2019)
Natalie Bernstein (January 2019)