Tragedia in mare a Cape Cod:
surfista attaccato da uno squalo
È stata questione di attimi
e una tranquilla giornata in mare
si è trasformata
in tragedia
per Arthur Medici
un surfista di 26 anni.
Un testimone
ha visto il giovane
tirare un calcio
a qualcosa in mare
e dal nulla è spuntata
la pinna di uno squalo.
Il giovane è stato portato
a riva dall’amico
che era in acqua con lui
ma purtroppo
ogni tentativo di rianimarlo
è stato vano.
Come sempre in questi casi
la spiaggia è stata chiusa al pubblico.
A Cape Cod
un evento del genere
non accadeva dal 1936,
più di 80 anni fa.
Milano, svastiche e insulti in una scuola
che aiuta gli stranieri
Nella serata di sabato 15 settembre,
vandali con ideali fascisti
hanno assaltato la
Scuola di Cultura Popolare
in Via Bramantino,
nella periferia nord di Milano.
La scuola è gestita da
che lavora anche su progetti
di integrazione per migranti.
Le aule sono state
messe a soqquadro,
e le pareti sono state
imbrattate con disegni volgari
e insulti a omosessuali e stranieri.
Tra la scritte sulle pareti
anche la svastica nazista
e la frase “W Salvini”
ripetuta più volte,
in segno di stima
per il ministro dell’interno
che vuole chiudere
i porti italiani alle navi
cariche di migranti.
Kipchoge vince la maratona con record del mondo
Il keniano Eliud Kipchoge
domenica 16 settembre
ha vinto la maratona a Berlino
stabilendo il
nuovo record del mondo.
L’atleta ha corso la gara
in 2h 01’ 39”
migliorando il precedente primato,
del keniano Kimetto,
di più di un minuto.
Kipchoge è partito subito forte
ed è stato
parzialmente aiutato da 3 “lepri”
(ovvero compagni che facevano
l’andatura per lui).
A contribuire alla riuscita
di questo incredibile risultato,
anche le condizioni meteo
di Berlino,
praticamente perfette.
Kipchoge ha dichiarato
di “essere davvero grato,
felice di battere il record del mondo.”
Ora ci si chiede se
possa riuscire in futuro
a scendere addirittura
sotto le 2 ore.
15enne muore per un selfie
Un ragazzo di 15 anni
è morto sabato sera
dopo essere caduto
in un condotto di aerazione
di un centro commerciale
fuori Milano.
Con un gruppo di amici
era salito sul tetto
del centro commerciale
per scattarsi delle foto.
Dai profili social
è emerso che
non era la prima volta
che scalavano
edifici per fare dei selfie.
Il ragazzo però
è caduto mentre
cercava di scendere.
Sono dovuti intervenire
i pompieri del nucleo Saf
Il giovane è stato trasportato
in ospedale
ma non c’è stato
nulla da fare.
La procura dei minori
indaga su quanto accaduto.
Coppia accusa malore a Salisbury,
escluso Novichok
Un uomo di 40 anni
e una donna di 30
hanno accusato un malore
la sera del 16 settembre
in un ristorante italiano
a Salisbury.
I due sono stati portati
subito in ospedale.
Sono tuttora ricoverati
in osservazione.
Il ristorante ‘Prezzo’
è stato chiuso
a scopo precauzionale.
Sono state transennate
le strade circostanti.
La polizia fa sapere
che l’avvelenamento
da gas nervino Novichok
è molto improbabile.
Salisbury è nota per
l’avvelenamento con gas Novichok
dell’ex spia russa
Serghei Scripal e sua figlia.
A Piacenza la prima scuola d’Italia senza cellulari
Il liceo sportivo
“San Benedetto” di Piacenza
è la prima scuola in Italia
a proibire l’uso dei cellulari
ai propri studenti.
La notizia è stata
resa nota ai genitori
degli alunni tramite l’invio
di una lettera nei giorni precedenti
l’inizio del nuovo anno scolastico.
L’idea del preside della scuola
nasce dall’esigenza
di favorire la socialità dei ragazzi
e ridurre le distrazioni in classe.
Grazie alla tasca Yondr,
utilizzata già negli Stati Uniti
a scuola, nei musei e nei teatri,
i ragazzi non avranno
più accesso ai propri
telefoni cellulari,
dall’inizio delle lezioni.
La tasca Yondr è un sacchetto
capace di bloccare completamente
il funzionamento degli smartphone:
ogni studente ne riceverà
uno in cui introdurre
il proprio telefonino,
il quale verrà sbloccato
dagli insegnanti,
solo prima di tornare a casa.
La California scopre il vaccino anticancro efficace sui topi
I ricercatori dello
“Scripps Research Institute”
di La Jolla, in California,
hanno scoperto un tipo
di vaccino efficace
contro il melanoma
(tumore aggressivo
della pelle),
con successo su
alcuni topi da laboratorio.
Per creare questo
tipo di vaccino
i ricercatori hanno aggiunto
a un vaccino anticancro
già esistente,
un tipo di molecola
capace di attivare
le cellule del sistema
contro il tumore.
In fase di esperimento,
è stato indotto un melanoma
ad alcuni topi.
Dopo 54 giorni,
il risultato ha visto
sopravvivere il 100%
degli animali.
Prima di poter verificare
l’efficienza del vaccino
anche sull’uomo,
saranno però necessari
ulteriori studi.
Venduto il primo biglietto per il viaggio sulla luna
La compagnia spaziale americana
Space X
ha annunciato di avere venduto
il primo biglietto “turistico”,
per un viaggio sulla Luna
a bordo del Big Falcon Rocket,
il razzo spaziale
che la compagnia
sta attualmente
Il fortunato acquirente
sarà il primo civile
a poter vivere un’esperienza
finora riservata
solo a 24 astronauti.
La notizia è stata resa nota
da Elon Musk,
fondatore della Space X,
sulla pagina Twitter
della compagnia.
L’identità dell’acquirente invece
non è ancora stata svelata;
tuttavia ci sono buone
possibilità che possa
trattarsi di un ricco uomo
d’affari giapponese.
A sostenere tale ipotesi
i tanti curiosi utenti di Twitter,
alle cui domande
lo stesso Musk
ha risposto con l’icona
della bandiera giapponese.
Barry says
Hi Daniel
I am loving this new addition to the website, I really feel this will help my Italian learning, like you suggested I listen 2-3 times before checking text and then seeing if I can get an understanding of the story, and see if certain words keep cropping up so I can then get to know common words in the language. Keep it coming
Stephen Coates says
As with everyone else, I want to add my tanks Daniel to this wonderful resource. I was wondering where you were going at one point in your reply to “Peter” (Sept 19)as I am of an age that remembers a certain television advert here in the UK for a certain lager. Your reply was – “You do the listening. You let the parts that you don’t understand flow over you. The advert went “touches the part other lagers don’t reach”. I thought there was a link to this when you had said that after listening 2 or 3 times, stop and do something else – have a beer was a good option!!!Joking aside, I repeat my thanks for this great addition to my learning programme.
wpx_easyital says
Grazie, Stephen! And it’s Friday, which is ‘unlimited beer and crisps’ day, casa mia!!
Lisa Tacke-Pucylowski says
Thank you so much. Grazie mille!
I am enjoying this for my own education…but also for me to share with my Italian students. I teach Italian to high school students in Chicago. Ben fatto!
Jane Yates says
Grazie per questa initiative!
Alan Jones says
This is an excellent resource for improving listening. The combination of text and sound helps greatly to build confidence. I like the variety of articles, the voice and pace of the reader and the layout of the text as it appears on my iPhone. I hope, Daniel, that you will be able to continue with this project long into the future. I would be more than happy to make a financial contribution if it helps with development. I’m a very happy and contented listener. Molte grazie per la sua iniziativa bravissima.
Beryl Barratt says
Helen lamb says
Thank you Daniel and family! Excellent, interesting, challenging, topical, timely. Just what one needs to improve the speed of understanding spoken Italian which seems way behind reading and writing abilities. So frustrating when one understands much of what is said, but then when one tries to reply can only manage a few words before brain freezes and stumble and stop….aaargh!
wpx_easyital says
I’ve done 80 hours of online conversation – it cost me over a thousand pounds, but given my low level in Swedish, you’d be amazed how much I can get across.
Both listening and speaking are, in the end, just a question of getting enough practice. We express ourselves using certain basic formulae. And use mental ‘tricks’ to make sense of what we hear. But the brain takes time to ‘tune in’ and so build the habits we need to communicate effectively.
Keep at it, Helen. You’ll get there in the end!
Dr. Jose Torres says
Great resource! It is exacty what I had been looking for for some time. The topics are varied, and the news are recent. The person who reads the news has an excellent voice which makes comprehension of the text easier. Continue this great job!
Susannah says
Daniel, How exactly do we sign up for this news which reaches me currently via your emails? Is there a more direct route? Grazie mille.
wpx_easyital says
On there’s a signup form in the sidebar, the top-left of every page.
Just fill it in and you should directly receive future editions.
Brigid Simmons says
Complimenti!!! Am awesome addition to the resources on this site. Thank you for developing this.
Auguri da Nuova Zealanda🇳🇿
Christine says
Bravissimo!! Mi piace molto 😊
Grazie mille Team Daniel!
Lorenzo Giovanelli says
Clear voice, nicely written, good content.
This is definitely going to be helpful to hear Italian. I live in Milan (fairly recent) and it is hard to follow people speak when they speak fairly fast. I think these news recordings will definitely help “tube my ears.
Veronica Edwards says
Brilliant ! More spoken Italian practice is just what I need, what a good idea.
Alan says
Bravissimo! This is an excellent listening skills resource, especially for those of us that have a problem deciphering the oral part of language learning. I can read Italian much better than I can understand the listening aspect. I see this new product as definitely improving my listening skills. Also, it is more relevant to me to hear current news than to read and listen to the books which are fun but are less relevant to a “news addict” like myself. Also, the individual who is telling/reading to us the news has a very clear voice. Bravissimo di nuovo!
Jean says
This is a fantastic resource. I definitely didn’t ‘get it all’ at the first listen but the content is definitely right for my level. I’m looking forward to finally making progress in my listening skills which are quite a bit behind my reading ability. Thank you.
Terry Gahagan says
This is a great resource as listening for me us the most difficult part of my “Learning Italian journey” Grazie mille!
Jane Barnard says
Great way to improve my listening skills, must get in the habit of doing tuning in every day. Thanks for Denver this extra asset Daniel.
Alice says
A correction: Rassegna Stampa Rai News 24
wpx_easyital says
Got a link for us, Alice??
Alice says
LOVE that I can read transcript while listening although I should listen without reading FIRST! An excellent resource for shadowing, speaking with the presenter, to improve my speed and intonation. The text is simplified, compared to RAI news but spoken at normal speed which is very helpful to train my ears.
By the way, a tip for others: I find it helpful to listen to RAI News 24 for short segments because that specific presenter highlights and magnifies the daily newspaper print large enough to read along. (Great for vocabulary acquisition!) The other presenters do not enlarge the print enough to do this. I really miss him when he goes on vacation, in spite of his somewhat annoying French “R”. Wish I could find a way to clue in Rai News to this.
Ciao from Lake Tahoe, Nevada
wpx_easyital says
Ciao Alice in Lake Tahoe, Nevada!
Thanks for your tips. I’d just add that whether people listen first without the text or first with the text (and then maybe later without the text) will obviously depend a lot on their level.
In my own studies (level end of A2) I’m listening AND reading a couple of times, then going without the text support the final time.
But there’s not right or wrong way. How you use the material will depend on your objective.
Daniel (in Bologna, Italy – there’s a pond in the park…)
Scott Allan Gerardy says
Daniel, at your suggestion/urging the other day, I told myself that this is part of what I need to continue my education. Today I listened for the first time and although it was very fast for me, I actually understood the gist of each article and caught a surprising amount – even on my first time through! The narrator’s voice is nice and clear. Thank you!
wpx_easyital says
Great! Just keep at it.
It’ll take dozens, even hundreds, of hours of practice. But your brain will tune in and you’ll gradually understand more and more.
That’s how it always works. The only thing that can go wrong is if you get bored and quit…
Hence, it’s helpful to try and make it a habit. I always try to do MY listening practice (Swedish) at this time of day, early evening, when I’m too tired to get any proper done. It’s automatic, now.
Bernie says
What a great resource. The voice of the newsreader is clear, the content is diverse, the articles are exactly the right length.
It is a great learning opportunity.
Thank you very much!
AnnaMaria says
What a great teaching tool! Thank you, Daniel, for your efforts in bringing the Italian language to life for those of us who are eager to learn in new ways.
Ciao from New Orleans, where our Italian heritage is strong!
Rita Seru-Gardner says
I am happy to have found your web site and, especially the news section.
For this intermediate/advanced Italian student, it’s a great satisfaction to keep up with the news in my second
Carla chapman says
I am really enjoying easy Italian news!
Thank you for this addition to your website.i feel that this is a very helpful learning tool and I am looking forward to the next edition.
Donna says
Ora avete superato voi stessi. Questo mi aiuta moltissimo e sono certa anche tante altre. Non vedo l’ora di vedere le notizie di oggi domani, cioè la prossima edizione.
Linda says
Thank you – This is a great resource. Very beneficial !
Meg says
Great stuff, I can’t resist looking up words but not till after the first hearing. Liked both readers and wouldn’t have noticed the sounds on the second one if you hadn’t mentioned it. I like to read your chatty emails and take the link to news so won’t subscribe to it unless you stop doing the links.
wpx_easyital says
I’ll probably keep linking to it for a while, Meg, but it’s going to be a day or more late. So you won’t hear about the Saturday edition until Monday, for example.
Up to you, though!
Nancy Lee says
This is a really great resource. I find it more useful than News in Slow Italian as there is just one speaker and the topics are current and varied. I like the way the text is divided to flow with the way Italians break up their sentences and just reading along with the presenter allows me to improve my fluency, even if I don’t know all the words. Thank you so much for setting this up and thanks to the presenters who speak so clearly.
Ted Garcia says
What an amazing motivator! I often look for ways to keep me going, as I strive to learn and improve my Italian. “Easy Italian News” is sush a powerful combination for reading and listening. Also amazing is the generousity of making this wonderful publicaion free. Graxie mille.
~ Ted in Texas USA
Jan says
A great resource and one which fills a much needed gap. Very interesting presentation and choice of topic.
The level is sadly above my ability but I am persevering at understanding one or two of the items.
Thank you!
wpx_easyital says
Listen all the way through. The understanding will come, espcially if you give it time and don’t force it.
Peter says
Brilliant resource, thanks. A bit advanced for me on 1st listen, but as you say, Daniel, keep on listening and it will get easier.
Will also use it with our self help group. Should work really well.
The big question is how to let things you don’t understand go, so you can listen to the next bit rather than losing it all! Is there a big answer? Any top tips welcome. Grazie.
wpx_easyital says
Sure, Peter, there’s a fool-proof way. It’s my TOP tip, though many people won’t like it.
Set your self the goal of reading/listening to the end. Repeat at least once, ideally twice.
Then stop. Go do something else (drinking beer is a good option).
While listening, concentrate as well as you can, but think of it as listening/reading practice NOT as a source of unknown words and additional complexity/stress.
You do the listening. You let the parts that you don’t understand flow over you. You stop.
Repeat often, you’ll find there are fewer and fewer gaps in the puzzle and you’ll become really good at piecing together meaning, which is exactly what you need for real life!
Peter says
Thanks for the reply. Your answer makes perfect sense. I’ve taken your advice, but not sure if I should go for Moretti or Peroni at this time of the morning 😁
Ruth says
Well read and nice and easy to understand. The bite size articles are the perfect length – I find that if an article is too long, my brain refuses to co-operate, and gives up trying to translate it. Many thanks Daniel and son!
Vicky says
Excellent. Just what I have been looking for.
Pete Turtle says
Bravissimo, mi piace cosi tanto perche ci sono notizie da Salisbury, dove abitono i miei 🙂
Lynne says
Love this. New vocab and transcripts for listening practice. What’s not to like!
Elsa says
A great variety of interesting topics. Thank you
Patricia Lenz says
Yes, this is a really nice listen/read combination! It is particularly useful in combination with listening to Rai 24 news—where I don’t always catch the drift.
I think it is well written and clearly presented.
If it were an option, ( like the easy reader series) I would subscribe!
Claire Donovan says
Brilliant. The content and delivery are both excellent.
Grazie tante, Daniel.
wpx_easyital says
Grazie e buono studio!
Donna says
I am really enjoying this addition to your website. I am an upper intermediate/advanced reader of Italian and am constantly on the lookout for materials. Easy Italian News helps “round out” my learning program with the addition of “listening.” The reader is wonderful—good pacing and clarity.
It is now and will continue to be part of my morning routine.
Thank you.
wpx_easyital says
Prego, Donna. Though it’s a different website, not part of the other one. Same company, though!
Angela says
Fabulous resource, it is exactly what I need.
Thanks to you and your son.
Gunnar Hedvall says
Great stuff and a brilliant effort on making interesting and up to date news in Italian available to us all.
Clear voice, perfect transcript and in suitably short chapters makes it an all worthwhile listening experience.
My Italian is not yet at a level needed to understand the majority but it is a good stretch target to get there. Thank you Daniel !!!
wpx_easyital says
Keep listening for a couple of months, Gunnar, and you’ll get there. Forza!